Dropshare 6 is out now!

Upgrade from Dropshare 5 to 6 for free or at a discounted price as existing customer.

License Code

Retrieve Dropshare 5 License Code

If you have purchased Dropshare 5 after December 1st, 2023, you will receive the upgrade free of charge. Otherwise, you can upgrade for a discounted price.

Your existing data (connections, uploads, settings) from Dropshare 5 will be preserved when updating.

Why upgrade?

After 7 years and over 80 free updates for Dropshare 5, I am excited to introduce Dropshare 6. To allow me to continue to work on the app and provide new features and improvements in a sustained manner, paid upgrades are neccessary from time to time. The last paid upgrade of the app was in 2018. Your existing copy of Dropshare 5 will continue to work without restrictions. See what's new.

Upgrade License (5 → 6)

← Enter License Code
to get your pricing
  •  icon=
    Free Updates for 6.x
    Version 5 received over 80 updates
  •  icon=
    Native macOS App
  •  icon=
    One-Off Purchase
Check License
1 All prices including VAT. Sold by our reseller Paddle.com Marked Limited.
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