Dropshare Press Coverage & Press Kit
Dropshare is a Great Alternative to File Sharing Services. (...) There is no doubt that there is a little more to setting up Dropshare than competing online services, but the marginal additional setup time is minimal and you can't beat the combination of a lower price and deep features.
Dropshare is a great alternative to trusting your files to another company and gives you a lot of control over where they’re stored, while doing away with the limitations on file size that many other apps have.
It wasn’t until I stumbled upon Dropshare that I realized there was a better solution. (...) There are so many features of Dropshare, it’s impossible to cover them all. (...) No monthly charges, no usage caps. If you often share files online, Dropshare should be on your Mac.
Thanks to Dropshare, I'm saving several minutes that I used to spend on my iPad waiting for my Mac mini to upload images for me; now, I can generate screenshots and upload them natively on iOS, without wishing I had a Mac with Cyberduck.
Dropshare is becoming a really powerful ecosystem, but it does require the use of external services in order to use it. If you want to use your own solution using S3 or Rackspace, Dropshare is the way to go. With an iOS and Mac app, it is an ecosystem that can go with you anywhere.
4,5 of 5 stars for a straightforward menulet that makes it easy for you to securely and effortlessly upload and share files and folders using your own server or Amazon S3.