Dropshare 6 is out now! 🎉 Check if you are eligible for a free upgrade and see what's new.

Release Notes

Dropshare is frequently updated with new features and improvements.

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Version 6.0.2

  • Fixing a number of internal issues that occurred with the first version of Dropshare 6:
    • A crash that might have occurred when the app was launched for the first time without an internet connection
    • An issue that would show the What's New window for fresh installs
    • A crash that might have occurred when closing the OneDrive login window before the login has completely loaded

Version 6.0.1

  • Watermarking: Fixing an issue where text watermarks could not be edited, or the edit window would be stuck on screen.

Version 6.0

Dropshare 6.0 is a major update that brings a lot of new features and improvements, and will be the foundation for many more years of updates - just like Dropshare 5 has been for over 7 years and more than 80 releases. Here are the highlights:

  • Automatic File Deletion: Configure uploaded files to expire after a certain amount of time. Expired uploads will be automatically deleted from upload history and optionally server.
  • Filename Configuration: Filenames can now be customized with replacement variables for both regular uploads and screen captures.
  • Watermarking: Screenshots can now be watermarked with text or an image placed transparently on top of the screen capture.
  • kDrive: Adding support for Infomaniak kDrive.
  • Retina Screenshots: Screenshots taken on Retina screens now feature improved file size and resolution handling, with better results for both @2x (original resolution) and @1x (scaled resolution).
  • Connection Sorting: Connection order can now be changed via drag-and-drop in the connection preferences.
  • Upload History Performance: The upload history window now offers smoother performance, even with thousands of uploads.
  • Bulk Upload Deletion: Uploads can now be deleted from the storage provider in bulk from the upload history.
  • Screen Recordings (Window Selection): The window selection for screen recordings has been reworked to use a “click this window” instead of “select this window from a list” workflow.
  • Popover: Allowing to configure the menu bar popover and the quick-dial icons.
  • Connection Chooser: Reworking Connection Chooser to Upload Summary, now allows to actually override the landing page, url shortener and automatic deletion settings per upload.
  • Pretty Screenshots: Prettified screenshots captured on retina screens now have a more reasonable file size.
  • Upload Device: Uploads now show the device used to upload in the upload history (e.g. iOS device or name of the Mac).
  • Copy Long URL: Adding option to copy the full URL (no shortener) of an upload from the upload history context menu.
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