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Updates on Dropshare Pricing

Januar 20th, 2023

An update on pricing for Dropshare on macOS and iOS starting February 2023

Dropshare is a unique file sharing application for macOS and iOS that seamlessly integrates into more than 23 storage services and protocols, enabling users to easily share screen shots, screen recordings and files to a storage provider of their choice.

When the first version of the app retailed for €7.99 in 2014, it only supported SCP/SSH connections and file uploads. It proved to be useful for users and thus, very quickly I was able to release the first major update that started retailing for €24.99 in 2016.

In its current major macOS release, version 5, almost 50 updates have been released without additional charges at still the same price. Dropshare is an ever-evolving product that lives off its customers feedback. Ideas can be pitched and many of them have been implemented already in the past years.

Other than the product, its pricing has not changed for 7 years now. I am announcing today that starting from February 2023, due to the economic developments of the past years and to be able to offer many new app releases in the future, the retail price of Dropshare will increase. On macOS, licenses will retail at €391 and on iOS, the monthly cancellable subscription will be €2.991 (was €1.49).

I have been and will be devoting a significant amount of my time to the product, but doing so has become harder while still acting economically reasonable. With these changes, I am looking forward to be able to spend more time with less worries on making you happy users of my products.

Thank you for your understanding and thank you for being a customer of Dropshare.

Update 04.03.2023: I have decided to update the subscription model of Dropshare Pro on iOS from a monthly to a yearly subscription. This recudes the actual yearly costs of using Dropshare with any storage provider on iOS from 35.88€ to 9.99€.

Kind regards,

We always appreciate your feedback. Find us on Twitter to start a conversation.

1) Including VAT. Up to 3 Macs per license/person, can be reset at any time. Existing licenses and subscriptions remain untouched and at current pricing.

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