Release Notes

Dropshare 5 is frequently updated with new features and improvements - 80 releases since September 2018 .

Discuss updates in the Dropshare Community on GitHub.

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New Features

Version 5.1

  • Introducing WeTransfer - upload files up to 2GB for free with WeTransfer and Dropshare
  • Introducing Handoff - easily capture and upload photos and multi-page documents with your iOS device
  • Introducing options for automated deployment - installing Dropshare on multiple Macs automatically is now easier
  • Introducing support for promised files - Dropshare can now deal with file promises, e.g. with screenshots taken with the new macOS screenshot utility
  • Fixing a crash with voice recording for screen recordings
  • Fixing a crash when trying to annotate screenshots with an app not installed
  • When uploading folders as archives, Dropshare is now responsive during the archive creation
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