Release Notes

Dropshare 5 is frequently updated with new features and improvements - 80 releases since September 2018 .

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New Features

Version 5.26 (Spring 2023 Update)

Hello! I've been working on several improvements to existing features and added new functionality with this update. Hope you enjoy the changes.

  • Reworking Screen Recordings with updated UI and 60 FPS video option
  • Adding an option to place Zone above the menu bar (and thus behind the notch)
  • Reworking Screenshot Annotation & Preferences UI
  • Reworking Preferences UI
  • Adding support for TinyURL as URL Shortener
  • Adding an option to recover original files of failed uploads
  • Adding UUID as filename randomization option
  • Fixing landing page previews for .jpeg file endings
  • Fixing landing page previews for .mov file endings
  • Fixing RTF sharing with the Share Extension
  • Fixing an issue that prevented landing page folders from being deleted when using FTP
  • Fixing an issue with screen recordings an a fatal error that might have occurred while recordings still uploaded fine
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