Release Notes

Dropshare 5 is frequently updated with new features and improvements - 80 releases since September 2018 .

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Version 5.45

This update requires macOS 12.3 or newer.

  • New Upload History including Tags: Improving upload history and adding new option to add custom tags to uploads (manually or automatically), to better find and organize previous uploads.
  • Adding support for OneDrive for Work & School accounts: Microsoft accounts for Work or School are now supported with OneDrive connections.
  • Adding support for and Lensdump: Image storage providers and Lensdump are now supported.
  • Adding option to annotate existing images: Existing image files from your Mac can now be annotated with the app.
  • Adding Copy Markdown for video uploads: Additional to image uploads, also video uploads now have a Copy Markdown option to embed them in a Markdown document.
  • Adding option to strip bucketname from Backblaze B2 URLs: For Backblaze B2 setups with Cloudflare, this option allows the download URL to be shorter and more readable.
  • Improving handling of non-image files to image-only storage providers: Accidental non-image uploads to image-only storage providers can now optionally be salvaged instead of just discarded.

Please note: In order to maintain synchronisation of your upload history accross different macOS or iOS devices, please make sure to update all apps to their latest versions.

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